Over the course of 3 weeks in May, Purpose Disruptors Ireland hosted a series of workshops for over 60 creative communications professionals (from strategy and PR to creatives, events and client service) to explore the impact of our industry and its potential in combating climate change. These free sessions were the first of their kind in Ireland, part of Purpose Disruptor’s mission to reshape the advertising and marketing communications industry to only promote attitudes, lifestyles, behaviours and brands aligned with a net zero world by 2030.  We introduced the Ecoffectiveness framework (an open source methodology for how we can take full responsibility for the impact of our work) and the ‘Change The Brief’ tool (how the industry can help effect behaviour change at scale through responding to client briefs), inspiring new thinking on how to assert agency and have impact within the workplace, across various roles and disciplines.

From sharing examples of tools and case studies, to sharing challenging experiences, there was a feeling like this kind of ‘open forum’ space is important for the industry.  

What were our key takeaways? 


1.The change that’s needed versus the change individuals feel like they can impact through their role

Exploring our circles of influence as individuals working in creative communications, a few areas of tension surfaced. Crucially, a frustration emerged on how the systems in which we operate don’t often present opportunities to address the elephant in the room - that success is being measured through a narrow lens and senior stakeholders are responsible for financial growth above all (despite, in some cases, having great intentions to address the climate crisis). Naming these challenges also led to the identification of spaces of day to day potential - identifying the people we work with day to day who can help inspire better action and decision making. While courageous conversation and the right kinds of questions don’t always feel like big actions to take, groups recognised that tapping into the right relationships at the right times creates change.

Sentiment from the group included:

“[I’m] Forcing myself to think about these tough questions.”

“We are largely a profit driven industry.”

“The main thing I was thinking after that session related to "influence" and how little influence I have….but at what points could we inject influence throughout the process.”

“Would like to see something targeted at the people who make the big decisions, MDs, CEOs, Financial Controllers.”

The opportunity/takeout: Let’s invite clients into these discussions (more to come on this). 

2. Knowing your company/work is unsustainable but understanding change won’t happen if you don’t face it 

Moments of clarity emerged when people spoke openly about the fact that companies and brands have done/are doing things that are fundamentally unsustainable. The decision to stay (to continue to work in our industry, to understand its need to transform and to be part of an uphill battle for change) is not one taken easily, but one taken with the understanding that change can happen if we choose to stay and use our skills to transform our work together. 

Sentiment from the group included stressing the importance of:

“The open forum discussion.”

“More conversations like this”.

“Networking with people I otherwise might not have an opportunity to discuss this topic with.”

“Hearing how other agencies/companies are getting on.”

The opportunity/takeout: Keep going. Invite others in. Widen the circle. Have more conversation together about the changes we need to see manifest. 

3. Where we are now versus where people want to be (wanting to take big action but also still figuring it out) 

There is a wave of intent and interest around sustainability and climate communications right now - but there is also a huge amount of greenwashing. We’re finding ourselves as gatekeepers between the message and the action. This is new territory for many people, having to upskill in terminology and science as a matter of importance. We’re all here to support great ambition, but it’s not always as straightforward as having good intentions. 

Sentiment from the group included:

“Would love to hear from creatives in terms of great case studies locally and internationally that are best in class sustainability/climate comms.”

“[Would love] guest speakers not just from areas or brands that have done great work but perhaps who are facing these issues and hit the wall and equally need advice from us”

“Is there something we can bake into our briefs as an industry from creative brief stage to get us more mindful / considering the work we ourselves do in a more sustainable way?” 

The opportunity/takeout: Sharing resources and experience to help each other upskill around climate is important to everyone. Ensuring words are speaking to action is a critical part of our job today, and sharing learnings about this is valuable to all. 

This non-exhaustive list is the result of very rich workshopping that covered wide ground. We also spoke about: feeling guilty for not giving this subject/work more time, how to make the cost of sustainability more accessible to clients from a financial perspective and the importance of government action alongside industry transformation. Ultimately, recognising our role in influencing public attitudes and behaviours (and those of our clients) is exciting and full of potential opportunity.

We will be following up with a ‘Change the Brief’ check-in gathering later in the year, to hear stories about how this tool is landing for people in practise (it will be relevant to all, even if you missed these sessions).  

Laura Costello